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2021 House Wishlist

Now that we’re a few months into 2021, I thought it’d be fun to share a little bit of what’s in store for Riad Connolly this year (that’s our nickname for our house, if you’re new here). Some of the items on this list are VERY exciting. Others, less so. But hey, sometimes homeownership isn’t glamorous. So, without further ado, here’s my 2021 house wishlist!


1. Paint Our Bathroom

You might recognize this moodboard from Instagram from a WHILE ago. This one’s been on the list pretty much since we moved in. We aren’t remodeling any time soon, but in the meantime, I’m going to paint part of our bathroom a golden yellow. I’ll also paint our ugly vanity cabinet black as a temporary fix. On the bright side, we do have our new shower curtain, light fixture, and mirror – getting there!

2. Repair Dry Rot

One of those less-than-glamorous items I mentioned earlier. We knew when we bought this house that we’d eventually need to address this one, but it can be so hard to spend money on things you don’t see! Planning on sucking it up though, and taking care of it this year. Ugh…


3. Set Up the Office

I’m STOKED about this one. Now that I’m working from home full time, I’m quickly running out of space for project samples. So we’ll be installing a full wall of drawers and cabinets as soon as budget allows! And don’t you worry, I’ll also be installing a propagation wall for all of my plant cuttings.

4. Add Kitchen Cabinet Pulls

Our wood cabinets could use a style boost. Thankfully, we don’t have those ugly orange oak cabinets to deal with – ours are pretty, but plain. Eventually, I’d love to replace our tile countertops and backsplash, but for now, I think we’ll start with some cabinet “jewelry” to match our new faucet. I’ve picked out a few options and I’ll let you know what I decide! Devin and I aren’t on the same page on this one, but he’ll come around. 😉


5. Build A Custom Headboard

I came across a tutorial for a custom, velvet headboard via Brady Tolbert about a year ago on Instagram, and fell in love. So I’m planning to create a similar one for our bedroom! It’ll take some time but I think it’s going to be so worth it. The rest of our bedroom design will probably wait till next year, but the headboard (and possibly the wall paint) are high on my priority list.

That’s all for now! This is by no means a comprehensive list – we have LOTS of projects to do in the years to come. And of course, Devin’s house wishlist is probably a little different than mine. But these are the items I plan to work toward this year. Wish me luck!

Happy March, friends.

P.S. If you’re ready to start on your wishlist too, contact me here.


  • Anna Boodrookas


    Can’t wait to see what you do with your house!

    March 2, 2021

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