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In today’s hectic world, it’s never been more essential for your bedroom to be a restful retreat. However, the steps it takes to get you there can feel overwhelming. That’s where we come in! This guide will help to lay the foundation for bedroom design

Every year, all of the major US paint companies release their own "color of the year." And like most interior designers, we have our go-to paint brands. We tend to specify Dunn Edwards paints for most of our projects, and we also frequently work with

Trend forecasting plays a huge role in the interior design industry. Experts keep an eye on leading trends to help them predict what will become the "next big thing," and then announce their predictions, typically the season (or year) prior. As a designer, I've come

Summer is almost officially here. We hit the triple digits last week in Sacramento (a little too soon for my taste), and it reminded me that I need to get our patio back in shape! We love entertaining outside on our deck, so finding the

Now that we're a few months into 2021, I thought it'd be fun to share a little bit of what's in store for Riad Connolly this year (that's our nickname for our house, if you're new here). Some of the items on this list are

If you've been following along here for a while, you know I have a bit of a houseplant obsession. It all started with a Monstera deliciosa cutting from my grandpa's backyard several years ago. Now, my collection is sitting at about 65 or so (though

We all have that one small space in our house that we wish was just a teensy bit larger. Maybe it's a spare "bedroom" that feels more like a closet, or maybe it's an awkward pass-through room that serves as your dining area (ahem, hello

It’s 70 degrees out, with a slight breeze, and I’m in heaven. Spring is by far my favorite time of year! Not too hot, not to cold, and the perfect amount of sunshine. Since I haven’t posted in a while, I thought I’d hop on and