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Design Discussion Consultations

Sometimes, a full-length two-hour consultation is a little more than you need. That’s exactly why we created our Design Discussion consultations. They’re the perfect way to get some professional answers to your burning design questions, at a lower price point.

Here’s how they work:

Step 1: Jump on a Zoom call

We’ll meet with you via Zoom for 30 minutes ($90) or a full hour ($175), and we’ll start by having you show us the rooms you need help with. Then, you’ll be able to ask any design-related questions you want, and we’ll provide as many answers as possible during the allotted time. We can also help you determine your design style and even help you search for specific items online – however you’d like to spend your time!

Step 2: The recording

No need to worry about taking notes during the meeting, because we’ll be recording the entire thing. Once we’re finished with our meeting, we’ll convert the recording to a video file and upload it to Google Drive so that we can send you a link. That way you’ll be able to refer back to it as often as you’d like!

Ready to book your Design Discussion consultation? You can book directly on our site. Or if you’d rather start with a discovery call to make sure this is the right option for you, book a call here!

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