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Furniture Tag

Designing your home is an exciting journey, and finding the right Sacramento interior designer can make all the difference. Whether you're dreaming of a complete remodel or simply looking to refresh a room, we’re here to make that dream a reality—together! This region's unique blend

Bear with us, we know a post about interior design prices is a little on the dry/technical side, but it’s an important topic! We often get questions about our pricing structure and how we make money as designers. So, let's break it down: The Two Pillars:

From the outside, interior design might look like a glamorous & fun job - and it often is. But I'm a fan of keeping it real around here, so I thought I'd share a list of some of the most memorable design problems that have

I can't contain myself any longer, I HAVE to show you the design progress on one of my favorite projects to date. We're still waiting on counter stools for the kitchen, and once those come in I can have professional photos taken. But with so

HGTV is an interior designer's worst nightmare. Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration. But when it comes to figuring out an ideal budget for your design project, it's certainly less than helpful! So many of the items and services on those shows are donated in exchange

As a designer, I often get asked - do you design outside of your style? The answer is: absolutely. I love creating spaces that feel like home to my clients, and sometimes, that means they aren't as modern or eclectic as most of the projects in

We all have that one small space in our house that we wish was just a teensy bit larger. Maybe it's a spare "bedroom" that feels more like a closet, or maybe it's an awkward pass-through room that serves as your dining area (ahem, hello