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Breaking Down Interior Design Prices

Bear with us, we know a post about interior design prices is a little on the dry/technical side, but it’s an important topic! We often get questions about our pricing structure and how we make money as designers. So, let’s break it down:

The Two Pillars: Design Fees and Product Sales

Studio Connolly (like many other design firms) has two major revenue streams: design fees and product sales. It’s almost like two businesses in one. Understanding this dynamic is crucial for clients who want to start a new design project with us.

Design Fees: The compensation for our time, creativity, and expertise. It’s the behind-the-scenes magic that transforms your house into a home that feels like you.

Product Sales: The mark-up on furniture, decor, fixtures, and materials. This is similar to the way a retail store operates – allow us to explain.


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The Retail Reality

Retail stores have to cover their operational costs and turn a profit. The main way they accomplish this is by purchasing products from a manufacturer at “wholesale” pricing, and re-selling them at a higher price.

The same is true for interior designers. Our operational costs include things like product sample orders, payment processing fees, and project management software. Marking up products allows us to cover those costs with product sales, rather than raising our hourly rates.

The Designer’s Dilemma

Here’s a twist – because we don’t purchase as much volume, designers often have to pay more to purchase an item from a manufacturer than a large retailer would. This means that even if we sell something at the same price as an online retailer, we might make less money on it. And while we often sell products below manufacturer-suggested retail prices (MSRP), we still have to be profitable.

That’s why price matching isn’t really a thing in the world of interior design – a retailer’s online sale is based on their product cost, which doesn’t impact ours. Manufacturers don’t do Black Friday sales!


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Value Beyond Price Tags

So, why choose to invest in items through an interior designer? It’s all about the value we add. When you make a purchase through Studio Connolly, you’re not just buying a piece of furniture; you’re investing in a curated collection that flows through your space and reflects your style and personality. We take the guesswork out of the design, ensuring that everything works together seamlessly.

We also roll up our sleeves to coordinate deliveries and inspect for any product flaws that need fixing. It’s not just about selling products; it’s about delivering an experience and making your life easier.

The Bottom Line

In a world of e-commerce and frequent online sales, interior design prices can be a tricky subject. It’s all about transparency, quality, and the assurance that every penny you spend will add to your enjoyment of your space. So next time you ponder the price tag, remember the passion and dedication behind it.

Contact us today if you’re ready to create a comfortable, sustainable home that feels like you!


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