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Information Tag

Studio Connolly just won GOLD for the second year in a row in the Sacramento Favorites competition! Thank you so much to everyone who voted for us again this year through the Sacramento Bee. It's such a huge honor to be named the best interior

Designing your home is an exciting journey, and finding the right Sacramento interior designer can make all the difference. Whether you're dreaming of a complete remodel or simply looking to refresh a room, we’re here to make that dream a reality—together! This region's unique blend

In today’s hectic world, it’s never been more essential for your bedroom to be a restful retreat. However, the steps it takes to get you there can feel overwhelming. That’s where we come in! This guide will help to lay the foundation for bedroom design

Bear with us, we know a post about interior design prices is a little on the dry/technical side, but it’s an important topic! We often get questions about our pricing structure and how we make money as designers. So, let's break it down: The Two Pillars:

Sometimes, a full-length two-hour consultation is a little more than you need. That's exactly why we created our Design Discussion consultations. They're the perfect way to get some professional answers to your burning design questions, at a lower price point. Here's how they work: Step 1: Jump

I don't know about you, but I've been itching to do some spring cleaning around my house. So I thought I'd share my favorite eco-friendly cleaning products in case you're on the hunt! Click on the name of each product to purchase.   1. Grove Multi-Purpose Cleaner I

From the outside, interior design might look like a glamorous & fun job - and it often is. But I'm a fan of keeping it real around here, so I thought I'd share a list of some of the most memorable design problems that have